These 4 Healthy Lifestyle Changes Will Add a Few More Years to Your Life

Zunaira Ather
4 min readMar 17, 2022



We all understand that a healthy lifestyle benefits our minds and physical health. But did you know that it can also contribute to an increase in our longevity? There are enough pieces of evidence to prove that a healthy lifestyle extends the life expectancy considerably.

Unfortunately, our busy schedules have changed our priorities and the efforts for healthy living have been pushed back. This has resulted in a decrease in life expectancy as compared to our ancestors. So, here we discuss four lifestyle changes that can add years to our life.

Eat More Plant-based Food


Numerous studies suggest a lower risk of death from cardiovascular diseases by consuming more plant-based foods and eating less meat, dairy, refined and processed products. A plant-based diet is not only easier to follow, but also cost-effective. Most fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and thus prevent cancer.

Besides, plant-based foods contain fiber that helps regulate cholesterol levels and maintain weight. Eating plant foods also reduces inflammation. Thus, start following a diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables. This way you can avoid the risk of developing diseases that take years off your life.

Exercise Regularly


Regular exercise offers a wide range of important physical and mental health benefits. Several studies have shown that by doing regular exercise or staying active, we can prevent many diseases such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure and diabetes.

When you exercise regularly, your heart starts pumping blood throughout your body in a more efficient manner. In this way, exercise helps you stay fit. In order to add any physical activity to your routine, it is better to start with low levels, such as walking and jogging. This will ensure that you stay consistent and succeed in attaining mental and physical well-being in the long run.

Stop Overeating


Sedentary lifestyle, overeating and obesity have brought numerous challenges to public health these days. Eating large portions of food can reduce your lifespan. It poses many threats to your health. Research has shown that consuming a lot of calories increases the process of aging and shortens life expectancy.

One way to stop overeating is to remove any distractions that would unconsciously make you eat more, such as watching TV while eating. Instead of skipping meals, try to eat balanced portions throughout the day. Breaking a habit or disorder of overeating challenging for certain. But once you are able to break this damaging habit, you will start feeling better. This will also help you live a healthier and longer life.

Quit Smoking


Smoking decreases your life expectancy. Smoking causes many health-damaging diseases such as lung diseases, osteoporosis, heart and respiratory diseases, diabetes, etc. Studies show that you can live a longer life even if you quit smoking at an older stage. If you stop smoking before the age of 35 years, you get more years added to your life. Even a person who stops smoking at the age of 65 adds at least two years to his life expectancy.

Quitting smoking can be challenging for most people. Make a plan on how to quit smoking and then stick to it. Also, identify factors that trigger your urge to smoke. Try to avoid these triggers.

The Takeaway

If you want to increase your life expectancy, start making healthy lifestyle changes in your life. Eating more plant-based foods, doing regular physical activities, avoiding overeating and quitting smoking are some of the lifestyle changes that are good for a long healthy life, and also backed by science.

